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200 тысяч вариантов жилья

"Роснефть" открыла новое месторождение сверхлегкой нефти в Карском море

"Роснефть" открыла новое месторождение сверхлегкой нефти в Карском море

Месторождение названо "Победа", ресурсы только первого пласта с нефтью составляют более 100 млн тонн

КАРСКОЕ МОРЕ, 27 сентября. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. "Роснефть" открыла новое месторождение сверхлегкой нефти в Карском море, ресурсы первой ловушки (часть горной породы, в которой аккумулирована нефть) составляют свыше 100 млн тонн, сообщает корреспондент ИТАР-ТАСС с платформы West Alpha, которая ведет бурение на самой северной в мире арктической скважине.

Компания успешно завершила бурение вертикальной скважины глубиной 2113 метров "Университетская-1" в Карском море, в результате чего в новой нефтегазоносной Карской морской провинции обнаружена сверхлегкая нефть, сопоставимая по качествам с маркой Siberian Light. Глубина моря в точке бурения составляет 81 метр.

"Новое месторождение в Карском море названо "Победа", - сказал ИТАР-ТАСС глава "Роснефти" Игорь Сечин.

Прогнозы экспертов

По словам Сечина, все прогнозные параметры превышены: предварительная оценка ресурсной базы по газу составляет 338 млн кубометров, по нефти - только одна ловушка содержит более 100 млн тонн. Всего на данном месторождении более 30 ловушек.

"Роснефть" впервые за 50 лет открыла новую Карскую морскую провинцию, которая является продолжением на морской шельф крупнейших нефтегазоносных структур Западной Сибири. Новая провинция, по оценкам экспертов, превосходит такие нефтегазоносные провинции, как Мексиканский залив, бразильский шельф, арктический шельф Аляски и Канады, и сравнима со всей текущей ресурсной базой Саудовской Аравии. Континентальный шельф России - крупнейший в мире источник неразведанных ресурсов углеводородов, перспективные ресурсы которого в 13 раз превышают запасы Северного моря и Мексиканского залива вместе взятых.

Площадь структуры Университетская - 1200 квадратных километров. Ресурсы этой структуры составляют более 1,3 млрд тонн нефтяного эквивалента. Всего на трех Восточно-Приновоземельских участках Карского моря обнаружено около 30 структур, а экспертная оценка ресурсной базы трех участков составляет 87 млрд баррелей, или 13 млрд тонн нефтяного эквивалента.

Высокое качество нефти месторождения Победа подтверждено лабораторными исследованиями

Специалисты корпоративного института ОАО «ТомскНИПИнефть» завершили исследования физико-химических свойств и состава нефти, полученной из скважины «Университетская-1», пробуренной на шельфе Карского моря и открывшей новое арктическое месторождение Победа. Результаты исследований были представлены Главе ОАО «НК «Роснефть» Игорю Сечину на совещании в ОАО «ТомскНИПИнефть».

По результатам комплекса исследований проб пластовых флюидов, бурового шлама и образцов керна, выполненного ОАО «ТомскНИПИнефть», подтверждены прогнозные оценки качества нефти. Эта сверхлёгкая нефть по ключевым показателям (плотность и содержание серы) превосходит эталонную нефть марки Brent, а также марки Siberian Light и WTI, сопоставима по характеристикам с нефтью месторождения «Белый тигр» шельфа Вьетнама. Установлено, что плотность нефти из скважины «Университетская-1» составляет 808-814 кг/м3 против 834 кг/м3 у нефти Brent. При этом массовое содержание серы в нефти Победы составляет всего 0,02%, в то время как в Brent её 0,2-1%, а в Urals 1,2-1,3 %. Кроме того, нефть Победы характеризуется высоким выходом светлых фракций – 60-70% и низким содержанием смол – 1,5%.

По результатам исследований керна специалистами ООО «Тюменский нефтяной научный центр» был произведен оперативный подсчет запасов нефти и газа по данным скважины «Университетская-1», который показал что только по первой открытой ловушке запасы составляют 391,9 млрд. кубометров газа и 128,7 млн. тонн нефти по категории С1+С2.

Исследования проводились с использованием самого современного оборудования, включающего газовую хроматографию, изотопную и молекулярную масс-спектрометрию.


ОАО «НК «Роснефть» в сентябре успешно завершила бурение самой северной в мире арктической скважины «Университетская-1», по итогам которого обнаружена нефть на лицензионном участке Восточно-Приновоземельский-1 в Карском море. Бурение было проведено в рекордные сроки – за полтора месяца, с абсолютным соблюдением всех технологических и экологических требований. По результатам бурения открыто первое нефтегазоконденсатное месторождение в новой Карской морской провинции.

Глубина моря в точке бурения составила 81 метр, глубина вертикальной скважины – 2113 метров. Скважина бурилась в условиях открытой воды – на 74 параллели, в 250 километрах от материковой части Российской Федерации.

Карская морская нефтеносная провинция, по оценкам экспертов, по объему ресурсов превзойдет такие нефтегазоносные провинции как Мексиканский залив, бразильский шельф, арктический шельф Аляски и Канады и сравнима со всей текущей ресурсной базой Саудовской Аравии.

информационной политики
ОАО «НК «Роснефть»
29 октября 2014 г


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Бесплатная аналитика

Market of furniture. Russian market of furniture. Current situation and forecast (артикул: 15521 26974)

Дата выхода отчета: 13 Мая 2013
География исследования: Россия
Период исследования: 2013-2015гг.
Количество страниц: 307
Язык отчета: Русский
Способ предоставления: электронный

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    Subject of research: MARKET OF FURNITURE


    Regions of research: RUSSIA AND REGIONS OF RF

    Basic units of research:














    The largest Russian enterprises profiled: 






    The largest enterprises are presented by production volume , financial activity , sheet balances , profit and loss statements , cash - flow statements , subsidiaries and other information.

    Information sources used:

    Federal State Statistics Service

    Ministry of Economic Development of RF

    Federal Custom Service

    Federal Tax Service

    Evaluation of Experts of the Branch

    Retail sales statements

    Data of the main players of the branch

    Printed and electronic publications of the branch

    The research contains 103 Schedules, 69 Diagrams, 119 Tables.


    The world economic crisis significantly affected the market of furniture. In 2009 volume of market reduced by **% and amounted to *** bln . dollars against *** bln . dollars in 2008.

    In 2010 – 2011 Russian economy returned to the pre - crisis rates , however in 2012 economy growth rates slowed down , and currently rates are moving by inertia . Almost the same dynamics is observed on the market of furniture.

    In 2010 due to production growth , import of furniture and reduction of export deliveries abroad , Russian market started to recover . Already in 2011 the rate exceeded the pre-crisis level by **% and amounted to *** bln . dollars. In 2012 increase rate of market of furniture slowed down to **% and Russian market of furniture evaluated to the sum of *** bln . dollars.

    In 2012 import share on Russian market amounted to **%. The greatest share of furniture is presented by furniture of domestic production, however Russia’s accession to the WTO in 2012 may change the situation.  

    In 2009 due to common crisis events in economy Russian production of furniture in cost terms reduced by **% or ** mln . rubles having amounted to *** mln . rubles . Already in 2012 manufacture of products of the segment started to increase. In 2010 the rate grew by **%, in 2011 – by **%, at that the pre-crisis rate was exceeded by **%. In 2012 volume of Russian production of furniture in cost terms amounted to *** mln . rubles , that was by **% more than the rate of 2011.

    **% was amounted to Central FD in the structure of Russian production of furniture in cost terms in 2012. Share of Volga FD constituted one fourth of the total output (**%). One tenth was produced by the enterprises of North-Western FD. Shares of Southern and Siberian FDs amounted to **% and **%. 

    In 2009 Russian import of furniture reduced by **%. This reduction occurred against the world economic crisis. Already in 2010 volume of deliveries of products of the segment to Russian market began to recover, while in 2011 the rate by **% exceeded the rate of import of 2008.

    In 2012 *** ths . tons of foreign furniture were delivered on Russian market.

    In 2012 in the structure of Russian import of furniture in cost terms the greatest share was constituted by wooden furniture - **%. Share of metal carcass furniture amounted to **%, while share of plastic furniture is **%.

    Other furniture , that is furniture for air , railway transport facilities , cars , parts of furniture of wood , plastics , furniture for trading enterprises , institutions of culture , public organizations , constituted the share equal to **% in the structure of Russian import of furniture.


  • Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта



    1.1. Population of Russia

    Dynamics of population

    The largest cities

    Social standards of living

    Economic activity

    1.2. Economic situation

    Dynamics of economic development

    Stability of the state budget

    1.3. Position of Russia in the world

    Share of RF in the population of the world


    2.1. World market of furniture

    2.2. Position of Russia on the world market of furniture


    3.1. Definition of furniture

    Wooden furniture

    Metal furniture

    Plastic furniture

    3.2. Classification of furniture

    Classification by Russian Classification of Production

    Classification by All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities and Products

    Classification by Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity

    Classification by Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities


    4.1. Volume of Russian market of furniture

    Dynamics of market volume by years

    Dynamics of import share on Russian market

    Structure of Russian market of furniture

    4.2. Volume of Russian market of wooden furniture

    Dynamics of market volume by years

    Dynamics of import share on Russian market

    4.3. Volume of Russian market of metal carcass furniture

    Dynamics of volume of metal carcass furniture market

    Import share on the market of metal carcass furniture

    4.4. Volume of Russian market of plastic furniture

    Dynamics of volume of market of plastic furniture

    Import share on the market of plastic furniture


    5.1. Dynamics of retail sales of household furniture by years

    5.2. Dynamics of retail sales of household furniture by quarters

    5.3. Structure of retail sales of household furniture by federal districts

    5.4 The largest regions of RF by retail sales




    Russia ’s presence in the WTO

    International certification


    9.1. Furniture factory “ Shatura ”, OJSC

    9.2. “ Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC

    9.3. “Furniture factory “Maria”, LLC

    9.4. Holding company “Furniture Factories “8 Marta”

    9.5. Group of Companies “IKEA”


    9.7. “ Severstal-mebel ”, LTD



    11.1. Production of furniture

    Dynamics of Russian production by years

    Dynamics of Russian production by months

    Production by federal districts

    Production by regions

    11.2. Production of sofas

    Dynamics of Russian production by years

    Structure of production by types

    Production of sofas with wooden carcass , convertible to beds

    Production of upholstered sofas with wooden carcass

    11.3. Production of armchairs

    Production of armchairs in total by years

    Structure of production of armchairs by types

    Production of armchairs with wooden carcass

    11.4. Production of chairs

    Structure of production of chairs by types

    Dynamics of production volumes by years

    Production in regions of RF

    Production of upholstered wooden chairs

    Production of upholstered metal chairs

    Production of un-upholstered wooden chairs

    Production of un-upholstered metal chairs

    11.5. Production of cupboards

    Dynamics of production by years

    Structure of production

    Production of wooden cupboards for general purposes

    Production of wooden kitchen cabinets

    11.6. Production of tables

    Dynamics of production by years

    Structure of production

    Production of wooden kitchen tables

    Production of wooden dining tables

    11.7. Production of metal carcass furniture

    Dynamics of production by years

    Structure of production by types

    Production of metal carcass special furniture for sitting for offices , etc ( upholstered )

    11.8. Production of plastic furniture

    Dynamics of production by years

    Production by federal districts

    Structure of production by regions


    12.1. By production volume

    Production of household furniture

    12.2. By the volume of proceeds

    Production of furniture

    Production of chairs and other furniture for sitting

    Production of kitchen furniture

    Production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises

    Production of other furniture


    13.1. Export of furniture in total

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export by years

    13.2. Export of furniture for sitting

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    13.3. Export of other furniture

    Dynamics of export by years

    Dynamics of export by months

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    13.4. Export of wooden furniture

    Structure of export by types

    Dynamics of export volumes by years

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination

    13.5. Export of metal carcass furniture

    Dynamics of Russian export by years

    Structure of Russian export by types

    13.6. Export of plastic furniture

    Dynamics of export by years

    Export volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of export by countries of destination


    14.1. Import of furniture in total

    Structure of import by types

    Dynamics of import by years

    14.2. Import of furniture for sitting

    Dynamics of import by years

    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by countries of destination

    Structure of import by countries of destination

    14.3. Import of other furniture

    Dynamics of import by years

    Dynamics of import by months

    Import volumes by countries of origin

    Structure of import by countries of origin

    14.4. Import of wooden furniture

    Structure of import by types

    Dynamics of import by years

    Import volumes by supplying countries

    Structure of import by supplying countries

    14.5. Import of metal carcass furniture

    Dynamics of Russian import by years

    Structure of Russian import by types

    14.6. Import of plastic furniture

    Dynamics of Russian import by years

    Import volumes by countries of origin

    Structure of Russian import by countries of origin



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash - flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash - flow statement


    15.3. “ BOROVICHI - MEBEL ”, CJSC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash - flow statement



    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Production volumes

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash - flow statement


    15.5. “ MÖBEL & ZEIT ”, LLC

    Reference information

    Types of activity

    Balance sheet

    Profit and loss statement

    Cash - flow statement



    16.1. Russian market of furniture

    16.2. Wooden furniture

    16.3. Metal carcass furniture

    16.4. Plastic furniture


  • Перечень приложений

     List of schedules:

    1. Population of Russia in 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2008-2012 , ths . people

    2. Dynamics of population of Russia in three variants of forecast in 2011 – 2031, ths . people

    3. Dynamics of real household disposable income of population and its annual rate of growth in 2000- 2012, %

    4. Dynamics of dependency ratio in three variants of forecast in 2011 - 2031

    5. Dynamics of unemployment share in economically active population by federal districts of RF in 2006- 2012, %

    6. Dynamics of GDP in money terms of 2008 in 2002 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, bln . rubles

    7. Investments into the capital stock in RF in 2002 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, bln . rubles

    8. Dynamics of surplus/ deficit of consolidated budget of RF in 2006- 2012, % to GDP

    9. Dynamics of total external debt of RF and its share in GDP in 2009- 2013 (as for January, 1). mln . dollars

    10. Dynamics of CPI in 2006 – 2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, % to the corresponding period of the previous year

    11. Dynamics of population of Russia and the world in 2000 – 2012 and forecast until 2100, mln . people

    12. Share of RF in world GDP in 2001-2012 and forecast for 2013-2016, %

    13. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of furniture in 2007- 2012, bln . dollars

    14. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of wooden furniture in 2009 – 2012, bln . rubles

    15. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of metal carcass furniture in 2010- 2012, bln . dollars

    16. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of plastic furniture in 2010- 2012, mln . dollars

    17. Dynamics of retail sales of household furniture in 2009 – 2012, ths . rubles

    18. Dynamics of retail sales of household furniture by quarters in 2009 – 2012, ths rubles

    19. Dynamics of use of production facilities by manufacture of chipboards and fibreboards in 2007 – 2012*, %

    20. Dynamics of use of production facilities by manufacture of light metal structures in 2007 – 2012*, %

    21. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of plastics in primary forms in 2009 - 2012, ths . tons

    22. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of furniture in 2007- 2012, mln . rubles

    23. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of furniture by months in 2009- 2012, mln . rubles

    24. Dynamics of Russian production of sofas in 2009- 2012, units

    25. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas, convertible to beds in 2009 – 2012, units

    26. Dynamics of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas, convertible to beds in 2009 – 2012, units

    27. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) in 2009 – 2012, units

    28. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) in 2009 – 2012, units

    29. Dynamics of Russian production of armchairs in 2009- 2012, units

    30. Dynamics of volume of Russian production of wooden carcass armchairs (upholstered) in 2009 – 2012, units

    31. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of chairs in 2007- 2012, units

    32. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs in 2009 – 2012, units

    33. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    34. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of metal upholstered chairs in 2009 – 2012, units

    35. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of metal upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    36. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden un-upholstered chairs in 2009 – 2012*, units

    37. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden un-upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – November 2012, units

    38. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of metal un-upholstered chairs in 2009 – 2012, units

    39. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of metal un-upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    40. Dynamics of Russian production of wooden cupboards in 2009- 2012*, units

    41. Dynamics of Russian production of wooden cupboards for general purposes in 2009- 2012*, units

    42. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden cupboards for general purposes by months in 2009 – November 2012, units

    43. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden kitchen cabinets in 2009 – 2012, units

    44. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden kitchen cabinets by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    45. Dynamics of Russian production of wooden tables in 2009- 2012*, units

    46. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden kitchen tables in 2009 – 2012, units

    47. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden kitchen tables by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    48. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden dining tables in 2009 – 2012, units

    49. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of wooden dining tables by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    50. Dynamics of Russian production of metal carcass furniture in 2010- 2012, units

    51. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. in 2009 - 2012, units

    52. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. by months in 2009 - 2012, units

    53. Dynamics of volumes of Russian production of plastic furniture in 2009 – 2012, ths . rubles

    54. Dynamics of total production volumes of household furniture on the largest enterprises of RF in 2007 - 2009, ths . rubles

    55. Dynamics of total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of furniture in 2009 – 2011, ths . rubles

    56. Dynamics of total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of chairs and other furniture for sitting in 2009 – 2011, ths . rubles

    57. Dynamics of total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of kitchen furniture in 2009 – 2011, ths . rubles

    58. Dynamics of total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises in 2009 – 2011, ths . rubles

    59. Dynamics of total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of other furniture in 2009 – 2011, ths . rubles

    60. Dynamics of export of furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    61. Dynamics of export of furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    62. Dynamics of export of furniture for sitting in 2007 – 2012, tons

    63. Dynamics of export of furniture for sitting in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    64. Dynamics of export of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    65. Dynamics of export of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    66. Dynamics of export of other furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    67. Dynamics of export of other furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    68. Dynamics of export of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    69. Dynamics of export of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    70. Dynamics of export of wooden furniture in 2007 – 2012*, tons

    71. Dynamics of export of wooden furniture in 2007 – 2012*, ths . dollars

    72. Dynamics of export of metal carcass furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    73. Dynamics of export volumes of metal carcass furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    74. Dynamics of export of plastic furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    75. Dynamics of export of plastic furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    76. Dynamics of import of furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    77. Dynamics of import of furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    78. Dynamics of import of furniture for sitting in 2007 – 2012, tons

    79. Dynamics of import of furniture for sitting in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    80. Dynamics of import of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    81. Dynamics of import of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    82. Dynamics of import of other furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    83. Dynamics of import of other furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    84. Dynamics of import of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    85. Dynamics of import of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    86. Structure of import of wooden furniture by types in physical terms in 2012*, %

    87. Structure of import of wooden furniture by types in cost terms in 2012*, %

    88. Dynamics of import of wooden furniture in 2007 – 2012*, tons

    89. Dynamics of import of wooden furniture in 2007 – 2012*, ths . dollars

    90. Structure of import of wooden furniture in physical terms in 2012*, %

    91. Structure of import of wooden furniture in cost terms in 2012*, %

    92. Dynamics of import of metal carcass furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    93. Dynamics of import volumes of metal carcass furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    94. Dynamics of import of plastic furniture in 2007 – 2012, tons

    95. Dynamics of import of plastic furniture in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    96. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of furniture in 2007- 2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, bln . dollars

    97. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of furniture in 2007 – 2015*, %

    98. Dynamics of volumes of Russian market of wooden furniture in 2009 - 2012 and forecast for 2013 - 2015, bln . rubles

    99. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of wooden furniture in 2009-2012 and forecast for 2013 – 2015, %

    100. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of metal carcass furniture in 2010- 2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, bln . dollars

    101. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of metal carcass furniture in 2010 – 2015*, %

    102. Dynamics of volume of Russian market of plastic furniture in 2010- 2012 and forecast for 2013-2015, mln . dollars

    103. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of plastic furniture in 2010 – 2015*, %

     List of diagrams:

    1. Structure of population of Russia to working age in 2011 - 2031, % (middle variant of forecast)

    2. Dynamics of employed and unemployed in Russia in 2000 – 2012 and forecast until 2013 - 2015, mln . people

    3. Change of structure of external debt of RF in 2009- 2013 (as for January, 1), %

    4. Import share on Russian market of furniture in 2012, %

    5. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of furniture in 2007 – 2012, %

    6. Structure of Russian market of furniture in 2012, %

    7. Import share on Russian market of wooden furniture in 2012, %

    8. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of wooden furniture in 2009 – 2012*, %

    9. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of metal carcass furniture in 2012, %

    10. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of metal carcass furniture in 2010 – 2012, %

    11. Import share on Russian market of plastic furniture in 2012*, %

    12. Dynamics of import share on Russian market of plastic furniture in 2010 – 2012*, %

    13. Structure of retail sales of household furniture by federal districts in 2012, %

    14. Regional structure of retail sales of household furniture in 2012, %

    15. Structure of Russian production of furniture by federal districts in 2012, %

    16. Regional structure of Russian production of furniture in 2012, %

    17. Structure of Russian production of sofas by the types of products in 2012, %

    18. Structure of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas convertible to beds by federal districts in 2012, %

    19. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas convertible to beds in 2012, %

    20. Structure of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) by federal districts in 2012, %

    21. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) in 2012, %

    22. Structure of Russian production of armchairs by types in 2012, %

    23. Structure of Russian production of wooden carcass armchairs (upholstered) by federal districts in 2012, %

    24. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden carcass armchairs (upholstered) in 2012, %

    25. Structure of Russian production of chairs for living rooms in 2012, %

    26. Regional structure of Russian production of chairs in 2012, %

    27. Structure of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs by federal districts in 2012, %

    28. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs in 2012, %

    29. Structure of Russian production of upholstered metal chairs by federal districts in 2012, %

    30. Regional structure of Russian production of upholstered metal chairs in 2012, %

    31. Structure of Russian production of un-upholstered wooden chairs in physical terms by federal districts in 2012*, %

    32. Regional structure of Russian production of un-upholstered wooden chairs in physical terms in 2012*, %

    33. Structure of Russian production of un-upholstered metal chairs by federal districts in 2012, %

    34. Regional structure of Russian production of un-upholstered metal chairs in 2012, %

    35. Structure of Russian import of wooden cupboards by types in physical terms by types in 2012*, %

    36. Structure of Russian production of wooden cupboards for general purposes in physical terms by federal districts in 2012*, %

    37. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden cupboards for general purposes in physical terms in 2012*, %

    38. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden kitchen cupboards in 2012, %

    39. Structure of Russian import of wooden tables by types in physical terms in 2012*, %

    40. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden kitchen tables in 2012, %

    41. Regional structure of Russian production of wooden dinning tables in 2012, %

    42. Structure of Russian production of metal carcass furniture by types in 2012, %

    43. Structure of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. by federal districts in 2012, %

    44. Regional structure of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. in 2012, %

    45. Structure of Russian production of plastic furniture by regions in 2011, %

    46. Structure of export of furniture by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    47. Structure of export of furniture by types in cost terms in 2012, %

    48. Structure of export of furniture for sitting in physical terms in 2012, %

    49. Structure of export of furniture for sitting in cost terms in 2012, %

    50. Structure of export of other furniture in physical terms in 2012, %

    51. Structure of export of other furniture in cost terms in 2012, %

    52. Structure of export of wooden furniture by types in physical terms in 2012*, %

    53. Structure of export of wooden furniture by types in cost terms in 2012*, %

    54. Structure of export of wooden furniture in physical terms in 2012*, %

    55. Structure of export of wooden furniture in cost terms in 2012*, %

    56. Structure of export of metal carcass furniture by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    57. Structure of export of metal carcass furniture by types in cost terms in 2012, %

    58. Structure of export of plastic furniture by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    59. Structure of export of plastic furniture in cost terms in 2012, %

    60. Structure of import of furniture by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    61. Structure of import of furniture by types in cost terms in 2012, %

    62. Structure of import of furniture for sitting in physical terms in 2012, %

    63. Structure of import of furniture for sitting in cost terms in 2012, %

    64. Structure of import of other furniture in physical terms in 2012, %

    65. Structure of import of other furniture in cost terms in 2012, %

    66. Structure of import of metal carcass furniture by types in physical terms in 2012, %

    67. Structure of import of metal carcass furniture by types in cost terms in 2012, %

    68. Structure of import of plastic furniture in physical terms in 2012, %

    69. Structure of import of plastic furniture in cost terms in 2012, %

     List of tables:

    1. Population of the largest cities of Russia according to the Census of 2002 and 2010 as for January, 1, 2013, ths . people

    2. Volumes of retail sales of household furniture by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, ths . rubles

    3. The largest regions of RF by retail sales of household furniture in 2009 – 2012, ths . rubles

    4. Change of customs duties due to accession of Russia to the WTO

    5. Volumes of Russian production of furniture by months in 2009 - 2012, mln . rubles

    6. Volumes of Russian production of furniture by federal districts in 2007 - 2012, mln . rubles

    7. Volumes of Russian production of furniture by regions in 2007 - 2012, mln . rubles

    8. Volumes of Russian production of sofas by types in 2009- 2012, units

    9. Volume production of wooden carcass sofas, convertible to beds in 2009 – 2012, units

    10. Volumes of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas, convertible to beds in 2009 – 2012, units

    11. Volumes of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas, convertible to beds by regions in 2009 – 2012, units

    110. Balance sheet of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA” LLC, ths . rubles

    12. Volumes of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) in 2009 – 2012, units

    13. Volumes of production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    14. Volumes of Russian production of wooden carcass sofas (upholstered) by regions in 2009 – 2012, units

    15. Volumes of production of armchairs by types in 2009- 2012, units

    16. Volumes of production of wooden carcass armchairs (upholstered) by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    17. Volumes of production of wooden carcass armchairs (upholstered) by regions in 2009 – 2012, units

    18. Volumes of Russian production of chairs by types in 2009- 2012, units

    19. Volumes of Russian production of chairs by regions of RF in 2009 - 2012, units

    20. Volumes of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    21. Volumes of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    22. Volumes of Russian production of wooden upholstered chairs by regions in 2009 – 2012, units

    23. Volumes of Russian production of metal upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    24. Volumes of Russian production of metal upholstered chairs by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    25. Volumes of Russian production of metal upholstered chairs by regions in 2009 – 2012, units

    26. Volumes of Russian production of wooden un-upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    27. Volumes of production of wooden un-upholstered chairs by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    28. Volumes of production of wooden un-upholstered chairs by regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, units

    29. Volumes of Russian production of metal un-upholstered chairs by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    30. Volumes of Russian production of metal un-upholstered chairs by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    31. Volumes of Russian production of metal un-upholstered chairs by regions in 2009 – 2012, units

    32. Volumes of production of wooden cupboards by types in 2009- 2012*, units

    33. Volumes of Russian production of wooden cupboards for general purposes by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    34. Volumes of production of wooden cupboards for general purposes by federal districts in 2009 – 2012, units

    35. Volumes of production of wooden cupboards for general purposes by regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, units

    36. Volumes of Russian production of wooden kitchen cabinets by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    37. Volumes of production of wooden kitchen cupboards in regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, units

    38. Volumes of production of wooden tables by types in 2009- 2012*, units

    39. Volumes of Russian production of wooden kitchen tables by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    40. Volumes of production of wooden kitchen tables in regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, units

    41. Volumes of Russian production of wooden dining tables by months in 2009 – 2012, units

    42. Volumes of production of wooden dining tables in regions of RF in 2009 – 2012, units

    43. Volumes of Russian production of metal carcass furniture by types in 2010- 2012, units

    44. Volumes of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. by months in 2009 - 2012, units

    45. Volumes of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. by months in 2009 - 2012, units

    46. Volumes of Russian production of special metal carcass furniture (upholstered) for sitting for offices, educational institutions, etc. by regions in 2009 - 2012, units

    47. Volumes of Russian production of plastic furniture by federal districts and regions in 2010 – 2012, ths . rubles

    48. Total production volumes of household furniture of the largest enterprises of RF in 2007 - 2009, ths . rubles

    49. Total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of furniture in 2007 – 2011, ths . rubles

    50. Total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of chairs and other furniture for sitting in 2007 – 2011, ths . rubles

    51. Total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of kitchen furniture in 2007 – 2011, ths . rubles

    52. Total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises in 2007 – 2011, ths . rubles

    53. Total proceeds volumes of the largest enterprises of RF with the type of activity production of other furniture in 2007 – 2011, ths . rubles

    54. Export volumes of furniture by types in 2007 – 2012, tons

    55. Export volumes of furniture by types in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    56. Export volumes of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    57. Export volumes of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    58. Export volumes of furniture for sitting by countries of destination in 2007 – 2012, tons

    59. Export volumes of furniture for sitting by countries of destination in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    60. Export volumes of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    61. Export volumes of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    62. Export volumes of other furniture by countries of destination in 2007 – 2012, tons

    63. Export volumes of other furniture by countries of destination in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    64. Export volumes of wooden furniture by types in 2007 – 2012*, tons

    65. Export volumes of wooden furniture by types in 2007 – 2012*, ths . dollars

    66. Export volumes of wooden furniture by countries of destination in 2007 – October 2012, tons

    67. Export volumes of wooden furniture by countries of destination in 2007 – October 2012, ths . dollars

    68. Export volumes of plastic furniture by countries of destination in 2007 – 2012, tons

    69. Export volumes of plastic furniture by countries of destination in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    70. Russian import volumes of furniture by types in 2007 – 2012, tons

    71. Russian import volumes of furniture by types in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    72. Russian import volumes of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    73. Russian import volumes of furniture for sitting by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    74. Russian import volumes of furniture for sitting by countries of origin in 2007 – 2012, tons

    75. Russian import volumes of furniture for sitting by countries of origin in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    76. Russian import volumes of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, tons

    77. Russian import volumes of other furniture by months in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    78. Russian import volumes of other furniture by countries of origin in 2007- 2012, tons

    79. Russian import volumes of other furniture by countries of origin in 2007- 2012, ths . dollars

    80. Russian import volumes of wooden furniture by types in 2007 – 2012*, tons

    81. Russian import volumes of wooden furniture by types in 2007 – 2012*, tons

    82. Russian import volumes of wooden furniture by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, tons

    83. Russian import volumes of wooden furniture by supplying countries in 2007- 2012, ths . dollars

    84. Import volumes of plastic furniture by countries of origin in 2007 – 2012, tons

    85. Import volumes of plastic furniture by countries of origin in cost terms in 2007 – 2012, ths . dollars

    86. Shareholders/ founders of Furniture Company “ Shatura ", OJSC

    87. Subsidiaries of Furniture Company “ Shatura ", OJSC

    88. Production volumes of Furniture Company “ Shatura ”, OJSC

    89. Balance sheet of Furniture Company “ Shatura ”, OJSC, ths . rubles

    90. Profit and loss statement of Furniture Company “ Shatura ”, OJSC, ths . rubles

    91. Cash-flow statement of Furniture Company “ Shatura ”, OJSC, ths . rubles

    92. Financials of Furniture Company “ Shatura ”, OJSC

    93. Shareholders/founders of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC

    94. Subsidiaries of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC

    95. Production volumes of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC

    96. Balance sheet of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC, ths . rubles

    97. Profit and loss statement of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC, ths rubles

    98. Cash-flow statement of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC, ths rubles

    99. Financials of “SWEDWOOD TIKHVIN”, LLC

    100. Shareholders/founders of “ Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC

    101. Subsidiaries of “ Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC

    102. Production volumes of " Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC

    103. Balance sheet of “ Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC, ths . rubles

    104. Profit and loss statement of “ Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC, ths . rubles

    105. Cash-flow statement of “ Borovich-Mebel ”, CJSC, ths . rubles

    106. Financials of “ Borovichi-Mebel ”, CJSC

    107. Shareholders/founders of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA”, LLC

    108. Subsidiaries of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA”, LLC

    109. Production volumes of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA”, LLC

    111. Profit and loss statement of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA”, LLC, ths . rubles

    112. Cash-flow statement of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA”, LLC, ths . rubles

    113. Financials of “FURNITURE FACTORY MARIA”, LLC

    114. Shareholders/founders of “ Möbel&Zeit ”, LLC

    115. Subsidiaries of “ Möbel&Zeit ”, LLC

    116. Balance sheet of “ Möbel&Zeit ”, LLC, ths . rubles

    117. Profit and loss statement of “ Möbel&Zeit ”, LLC, ths . rubles

    118. Cash-flow statement of “ Möbel&Zeit ”, LLC, ths rubles

    119. Financials of “ Möbel&Zeit ”, LLC

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    2.4. Месторасположение проекта

    3.1. Состояние рынка спортивных клубов в Пермском крае
    3.2. Анализ потребителей. Сегментация потребителей
    3.3. Обзор потенциальных конкурентов
    3.4. Прогноз развития рынка
    3.5. Ценообразование на рынке

    4.1. Описание зданий и помещений
    4.2. Расчет стоимости строительства
    4.3. Описание технологического процесса
    4.4. Описание оборудования
    4.5. Прочие технологические вопросы
    4.6. Сырье, материалы и комплектующие

    5.1. План по персоналу
    5.2. План-график работ по проекту
    5.3. Источники, формы и условия финансирования

    6.1. Юридический аспект
    6.2. Экологический аспект
    6.3. Социальный аспект
    6.4. Государственное регулирование

    7.1. Исходные данные и допущения
    7.2. Номенклатура и цены
    7.3. Инвестиционные издержки
    7.4. Потребность в первоначальных оборотных средствах
    7.5. Нало…
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